Friday, February 27, 2009

Mamma I'm A Big Gurl Now!

i'm not sayin that in a rebellious-i-wanna-have-things-my-way kinda way...
but i really did something i think my mom will be proud of!!!

i WRAPPED my own textbook!!!

as seen in the picture :D

see the glossiness of the cover?

ah... such a beauty!!!

altho it was pretty much a struggle... *lalala*

but it was worth it la... cause a wrapped textbook sells for a HIGHER 2nd hand price :P

i know... after so long.. and all i blog about is me wrapping my textbook mite not be enuf to satisfy ur cravings for Dot..

but but but...

i got exams coming up!! and lots of assignments due too!!


*buries self in books (the one i JUST wrapped!!)* :D

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

this post is 1 day late.. but since i have nothing to blog about at the moment, i'll blog bout this *teehee*

as some of you mite know, my parents sent my popo back to Ipoh on Mon noon, leaving me home alone (for a few hours only tho cause my bro comes home after work)

i always thot i enjoyed the occasional alone time i have with the house.. it makes me feel grown up (which i'm supposed to be la.. sigh.. but that another story! :P)

mon was still alrite cause while waiting for news about my kong kong, i did accounts.. had lunch and then watched Horton Hears A Who?! which i happen to like! i think i REALLY like Dr. Seuss' work, the narration of the movies made based on his books are SO COOL! the narration's done in rhymes!

so ya.. back to the story...

then came tues morn..
it's as if that my tues blues arent bad enuf (with the fact that i have ACCOUNTS!!! it's getting better tho)
i woke up, already feeling down cause i dont want to go to coll...
i had to wake up to an empty house! :( (well, my bro was around la.. but he's dead asleep! -.-)
the house was so quiet.. for a second, i felt like crying...
but the thot of Sandra coming to pick me up made me hurry up cause i tend to stone for MINUTES!! :P

classes werent that bad..

we marked our accounts assignments.. did pretty well, Thank You Jesus! =)
then noon class.. we did was we usually do.. NOTHING! heh!

Sandra fetched me home too cause daddy said they'll only leave Ipoh at 4.30 pm.. classes end at 4! :S

Once again, i had to go back to an empty house.. this time, it was REALLY empty!
bro went to work and i didnt have the usual excited shouts of "Dory Cheh Cheh(s)" to greet me when i opened the door... that's the thing... I HAD TO OPEN THE DOOR!!! (i usually just open the grill :P) *emo*
glad i had Yeem chat with me online (THANKS GAL! =) )

then i watched Wild Hogs (i love my laptop! :P)

2 hours passed and finally i hear the oh-so-familiar-it-sounds-like-a-small-plane's-landing-sound of my dad's car!!


if you were too lazy to read the whole story (SHAME ON YOU!!!) just read this,
Dot's Thot: A house is truly just a building no matter how beautiful, it's the people in it that makes it a home; those people are called FAMILY =)

Cherish them because u'll never know if one day u mite have to walk into an empty house ;)

Monday, February 09, 2009

It's a Wrap!

In conjunction of GTYC's CNY celebration, we were blessed to have the CHS Chinese orchestra come perform for us!

i must say they did a very good job! considering that they are TEENS of the 21st century!! i'm really proud to see them playing the Er Hu and keeping the tradition alive!

well done! =)

they did 4 songs.. but 1 more still in the process of uploading to youtube.. so i'm just posting the 2 CNY songs before Chap Goh Meh passes!

2 more hours!! collect as much ang paus while u still can!! :P

What a Wake Up Call

this morning, we really got a bad wake up call when my aunt told us that my kong kong mite not make it because he was complaining of being dizzy and weak, saying that he's gonna pass and asking to see my popo for the very last time cause he thinks he's gonna die.. it's always scary when old ppl say that, because it seems like they know when their time's up...

mom and dad had to rush to send popo back to ipoh.. whereas i had to stay home to finish my accounts assignment (pathetic i know).

thankfully by noon, i got news from my cousin that kong kong's fine. They rushed him to the hospital.. my aunt had to go into the ambulance (now as much as it would be some experience to BLOG about... that's one car that i DO NOT want to ride in! dont think i could bear with the anxiety of sitting beside a loved one as i watch him/her fight for his/her life...)

The doc said that my kong kong's sugar level dropped.. that's why he had those scary symptoms.
The ward docs will be back tmr (after the Thaipusam break) and they will check on my kong kong. Hopefully they will give us good new too!

Thanks to all my dear cellies for praying along with me!
and also to my sweeties that have been encouraging me!
Love u all to Bits!! MUAX!

Tay Jo's 19th Birthday

I just like having surprises for Jo.. she's always so blur that she'd never expect ANYTHING! :D

but 1 thing that NONE of us expected of the surprise (which was also what prompted me to take the video...) THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG PLAYED BY THE CAFE!! it was FARNIE!! out of the blue they just played the song.. and all of us were stunned :D

this vid is to u gal!

Happy Birthday!


Sunday, February 08, 2009

A RED Packet for the Season =)

here are some snapshots taken by my bro too... when my lappie came =)

this was when he realised he should take a vid :D

after the all time favourite "ENOUGH LA" (shy) i had a series of firsts! :D

hehe! my FIRST time switching my FIRST lappie on :D

the same evening,
we went to Puchong for dinner (been goin there-cousin's place alot cause staying at home for the hols on CNY is just INTOLERABLE!! :D)

i had 3 sessions of Lou Sang this year!
dont really fancy the taste of it, i just like the process of tossing it :D and picking out the fish :P
but this year's Lou Sang sessions, only 1 of the 3 had fish! -.-

this is why i dont like being the camera person...
i dont get to be in the pictures!! :(

but it's always rewarding to get pics of smiles! :D

and clear ones too! :D

heh! an attempt to get a sexy shot of me new lappie.. noticed i've still not gotten a name for it?
sigh... suggestions anybody?
dang! shouldnt have given Sexy to my bro's lappie...
but then again... my lappie's not sexy... it's more of HOT.. cause if its redness i think :P
ROAR! *puts on thinking cap*
now i kinda undestand the stress parents go thru to name their child...

the next day, we travelled up north to Ipoh!
this time i was REALLY determined to have Dim Sum, so determined that i only took pics of Dim Sum for my whole trip to Ipoh... *lalala*

i took a pic of this cause this is the 1st time i'm seeing clam/oyster/i-have-no-idea-what-shellfish-is-this served as dim sum!
didnt try it tho, cause me no fan of shellfish besides Lala :D

and that was the end of my CNY hols :(

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Embarrassment OVERDOSED!!!

sigh... this would not come as a surprise to most of u that already know me.. or have actually spent a full's day out with me..

but for the benefit of those that are deprived of the privilege of spending time with Dot... and for those that find Dot embarrassing herself ever-so-amusing (sigh! :P)
i have decided to blog about what happened today...

after class, dad wanted to pay some bills at the post office but me being a DIVA! hah! insisted that i was FED! so daddy dropped me at Nirvana (no.. not the funeral parlour) but the banana leaf rice restaurant in USJ9 while he settle the bills..

so i went in alone lo..

as i entered, the boss came out and walked towards me...

he mumbled something...

thinking that he'd recognize me cause my family and i always go there (there u go! a HINT to my stalkers :P)

i told him.. sigh... cant believe i did it but this was what i said, "table for 1 pls"

he was like, "huh?"

AND I OUGHT TO SHOOT MYSELF FOR ACTUALLY REPEATING, "table for 1" *with the index-finger-lifted-up-gesture, signing ONE*

once again, he went, "HUH?"

then it struck me... was he talking to me when he mumbled? do they have the "pls wait to be seated" rule here?

and the correct answer is: NO! (to both questions) *drops head in shame*

so i quickly walked in and sat down with my back facing the boss, determined to never look at his direction again!

OH! just when you thot, HAHA, There! Dot did it again! Once again updating her list of embarrassing moments...

well... I WAS ON A ROLL!!

just minutes later, Dot's Embaraz-O-meter climbed a notch! (sigh...)

i ordered the fried vege (i know i shouldnt be eating that... but it's so yummy!!)
with my conscience constantly YANKING my senses, i decided to flip the entire plate of fried vege over a piece of tissue so the oil will flow down and sip into the tissue...

but i just had to keep the butterfinger's Pride alive...

the vege spilled... LOTS of it... shy shy SHY!!!

i think nobody witnessed wat happened... i HOPE nobody witnessed wat happened!!

note to self: never attempt any stunts with food, pots, pans, knives... as a matter of fact, NEVER ATTEMPT ANY STUNTS, PERIOD!

altho my mom didnt find that funny (maybe she's immuned with my embarrassing moments) but i still hope that they amused you...

HaVe A nIcE DaY!! =)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hong Sik Hong Sik

i got my Dell Lappie!!! it's an Inspiron :D
got it last wed, before i went to ipoh!
Thanks Dell for the prompt delivery! =)

yes.. if u watched the vid (if u didnt SHAME ON U!) i mentioned my dream... with my uncle and aunt opening my lappie without my permission... heh!
it was SO real k!
Yue! u were there too! i told u about wat they did.. and u scolded them with me! haha!
am glad it's just a dream.. cause it's nuts to break family ties over stuff like that (altho i'd be REALLY pissed and upset if it REALLY happened) i'm sorry but who gets to open a laptop every now and then?

Happy Happy me!!

and yes! it's RED!! LOVE IT! :D