What Girls Do BEST- Cam Whore!!!
doing something we LIKE before eating something we DONT
(did i just say that? :P)
(Sab aint in most of the pics cause she wasnt feeling well... get well soon gal! MUAX!)
(Yue is like the ULTIMATE POSER!!!! got lots of pics with JUST HER! -.-" but i decided not to post them up la.. waste my time... *wakakakkaka* no la.. if i post up all.. wat's she gonna post up for her readers? if u wanna see her POSER pics.. go scroll my TURTLE DOVES list and look for her k! =) )
couldnt have accomplished ANYTHING without THEM^
when i took out my camera... Pierre was the 1st to touch his hair (which was caught in action)... Math (far left) was a lil lagging.. (only touched his hair after i took the pic :P) guess Uncle FU *oops* FER knew that COME RAIN OR SHINE his hair WONT MOVE... so he didnt bother :P
guess this pic aint that RANDOM after all :P
fr left: Joseph, Ferdinand
yeap! been there done that too!
it was darn slippery!
now i know why God made MEN :D
towards the end of our Journey
having to live in the JUNGLE for 2 days.. we got inclined with nature
this tree marks the junction of 2 different routes of the jungle trekking
we took the ONE hour route which already seemed FOREVER!!! (the other route's TWO hours!!! SIAO!)
if u look closely... the branches of the tree are covered with THORNS!!!
we met more thorns along our Journey... and the warning we passed on was...
if you TOUCHY you OUCHY and you ITCHY :P
BLUE plant!
PwEeTy ButterFly!!
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