the camp was really an experience! the company was good! that was basically it la.. cause the place we lodged... err... there's no place like home la... the FOOD! WHOA! i can DIE! (i'll show u in my coming post k!) the obstacle course... NEED I SAY MORE?? the water was FREEZING COLD!
to summarize the 2 days, i took 200 over pics! *teehee* and splitted this post into 5 parts! :D it wasnt easy to do this le! cause my connection tengah merajuk :( but it's all good now! :D
give me a choice.. i wouldnt wanna do the same activities, but i'll most certainly go with the same ppl!!! we do something else la k! :D
so here we GO! (pics are not exactly in chronological order cause i editted the order to make the parts flow :D) ENJOY! =) (btw... the captions might get lamer.. and u mite see repititions.. i'm sorry for the lack of creativity ya.. cause there are like MANY pics to write about... :D)
(choi! where got so fast?? this was our 1st activity, the VIETNAM BRIDGE! we were the 1st few that made it across :D)
the Bridge wasnt like any wooden planked bridge... it only consist of ROPES!!! all we had were 3 ropes to walk on, the Instructor adviced us to step on the middle rope.. but i aint born to duck walk la.. so i stepped on 2! which was MUCH easier :P
(they were the ones screaming behind :P)
see see! see how the bridge looks like behind Audrey?
(our ROOM! does the number remind u of SOMETIHNG?? :P)
Dot the Buggie TERMINATOR!
*MUAHAHAHAHA* Dear BUGGIES! Ready or NOT here DOT comes!!
my prayers were answered!!! i only had to use the spray ONCE! to kill some flying bug la.. there were no lizards nor were there cockroaches!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
ya.. i felt a lil miserable cause i brought the whole can.. ready to send bugs flyin... but none of them showed up... so... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
the POISONED victim- Joy
*no individuals were injured in the course of taking these pictures :P*
nothing makes an ill girl happier than...
Dot after a HARD DAYS WORK!
to be continued...
ops..... ada jantan dalam bilik??? perlu kah saya panggil PJK? kekekeke
WOOHOOO!! you were the bug terminator!! ME TOO!!!!
That's my girl!!! woohoo!!!!
I tot my cellies well.
HOW 2 KILL COCKROACHES 101.... hmmmm did i spell that right? (i tired ler)
oh! no worries, the jantan was watched with the eagle eyes of his gf! so no worries :D
haha! God was the bug terminator la! we hardly saw ANY! PRAISE THE LORD!!! =)
yup! u got it right ;)
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