Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mission-Have-Fun #6

My Crib
hehe! besides all the FUN i had... i had to do something good also la (not that the FUN i had was notti kinda fun *what are u ppl thinkin?? or am i just being paranoid? :P*) ANYWAYS! besides spending money... *cough* my parents' *cough* money *cough* i had to do something to please them la :D
many of my friends can testify to this... but my room looks like a HURRICANE-struck plain... every thing's EVERYWHERE! *blushes*
mom was SERIOUS about me throwin some stuff outta my room... so yeap! i did exactly just that, i CLEANED MY ROOM =)
these cupboard doors could NEVER close even if u put an elephant against it! but after a lil (an understatement but is this ur blog or MY BLOG?? :P) VOILA!

my popo's bed

a human can actually sleep on it and NOT get killed by the things i USED to put on it *teehee*


TADA! it's GONE! the bed's GONE!!!
why? cause the bed's very old... older than me i think... :S popo gets back aches when she sleeps on it... :(
so yup! finally it's GONE!
the next time popo comes (which will be in Sept), she'll sleep on my bed, and i'll sleep on the FLOOR! (where to find this kinda granddaughter??? :P)

knowing me... the ever so fragile DOT... a lil injury is inevitable *blushes*

can u see the white line right beneath the white part of my nail??

(took me like FOREVER to get this pic.. and this is the best i could do or should i say my camera could do...)

see the white line?

got it when i tried to open something.. a bottle i think... my nail's long and soft... so it bent BACKWARDS!!!! thank God i didnt tear my nail off my flesh!


hehe! look at the amount of things i threw out! it's the BIGGEST bad FOS has (super good quality) had to use it, of course, to contain the amount of trash... and make sure the bag wont tear! *blushes* those Giant and Carrefour bags... *pfft*

hehe! well... turning my room upside down (from messed up to neat) didnt just found me rubbish, i found INTERESTING and memory triggering things too! =)


this Cert is found under my mattress

it says my mattress' good for Kid's bones! (should be talkin bout the back bone la...)

happening rite??? a decade of sleepin on that mattress and i didnt know that! go flip ur mattress and see if it has a cert attached!

it's no wonder y my mattress can last for a decade and still be soO comfy! (me feeling sleepy now... :P)

what's in the box?

got this box from my seckie-cellies few years back! it contained my birthday pressie in it la...

i used the box to keep all me memorable things!

i was a prefect and a Leo member back in seckie skul days =)

see the collar pin thingy pinned to the white card? there's 2 there... the one that's a samurai!! i bought it from my MOST MEMORABLE Leo IU Day! (it was when my antiques and i did a play bought a love story with a Japanese setting :D totally miss that!)

here are some tickets of the events i've been to... and a KTM ticket! how did i get it?


in the same cupboard where i kept the box, i found the final accolade of us senior prefects of year 2005

and this is a song i edited =) the original tune's Britney Spears' From the Bottom of My Broken Heart <3

i wasnt all rhyme-ee that time... i tot as long as the words fit the beat can d... super amateur work la.. :P

hehe! all the hard work definitely paid off when mommy and daddy gave me...


it's called Kelvinator... that's its brand name...

i was like -.- TOSHIBA sounds more reliable... but mom said this brand sells good REFRIGERATOR... -.- -.- i am still unconvinced by its quality... but NEVERMIND LA!!!

i still LOVE it! did i mention it's CUTE??? it's so small! :D

to get the air con fixed... some drilling was involved... so yea.. after all's done... i was sent vacuuming away! and i found...


-.- were u not payin attention??? it was just bits from my wall la :P

gotta go! tata!