Saturday, October 06, 2007


Part #7: All About...

i wanted to get myself buried til my neck... but the sand was too fine... and the wind blew lots of it towards me.. i couldn't breathe... i ate some sand too! so this was the max :D

so much for getting a TAN! (teehee! my legs maybe fair.. but not THAT FAIR! it's actually my legs covered in sand la)if only i had a Baju Kebaya with me...

here fishy FISHY...

cousin was trying some sychronized swimming... FAIL! :P
i was at the 1.0M side for PICTURE purposes only k! :P

i tot this was PERFECT.... then i realised... where's the DOT?

bully-dot-NOT! :P

Dot's MERMAID moment!

i miss HOME...

check out the SEXAY legs!!! :P

hmm... HMM... *blushes*

nite view of More More Tea Inn

I'll Be BACK! =)