What is the significance of lighting a lamp?
There is a logical answer to this question. (dot's thots: DUH!!!)
It is through the light that the beauty of this world is revealed or experienced. Most civilizations of the world recognize the importance of light as a gift of God. It has always been a symbol of whatever is positive in our world of experience.
PLAGIARIZED from SCFI (Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India)
in a MUHIBAH country, we have ALL SORTS of holidays... and we celebrate all sorts of festivals (in our own way that is... FOOD! :P)
what better way to celebrate the Festival of Lights than to be a LIGHT to our very own community??
so the GT-ians gathered at some field (it has a name which the Dot forgot :P) behind ANW, PJ for a JOGATHON!!! in hopes to raise funds for Rumah Juara, an orphanage under our Life Community Service project =)
now... if u are like still reaching for your jaw... cause... DOT?? JOG??
*teehee* u have 5 seconds to pick ur jaw up, wipe all ye saliva *gross* and READ ON! :D
Of course the Dot DID not jog la... :P
we had food and games stalls and not forgetting our INFLATABLES! (just 2 this time) so the Dot helped out at the MANSION! (just a random name i came up with NOW :P)
BOTTOM-TOP: Jo Lynn, Dot and Nerissa
we hadnt fan out so widely and we could have seen more of poor Jo if it hadnt been for our AMATEUR camera man *cough* Big J *cough* :P
oh oh! we TOTALLY passed the SLIM-CHIC Test! cause all 3 of us sat on ONE kindergarten chair!!! u know... those small lil plastic chairs for kiddies... if u dont... leave a comment, i'll take a pic of that chair just for YOU! :P
left-right: Jo, the other OTHER Jo and Dot (the other Jo couldnt make it =( will take a pic with all 3 Jo's some day k! :D)
more updates comin soon! the pic uploader's sucking all the SWEETNESS outta me!!!
and i am soO sorry for the terencat-ed font size!!! ROAR!
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