given anytime! we antiques would love to meet up... but thanks to our busy diversified schedules... FAREWELLS are where the antiques really meet up... (however this time... we're not AS complete cause Yen's not back yet and Carrere was busy...)
today, instead of blowing our wallets on a fancy dinner, we went MAKAN hopping! :D
1st stop: SS2 "wai sik kai" (dinner)
on our way to SS2
SOMEHOW... we ALL decided to wear white! how coincident is that? talk about having the same wavelengths! :D
we had lots of hawker food la... but cause *cough* CAROL *cough* was soO hungry... that she started diggin in BEFORE i could get my cam :P
so no pics on the food we had...
but i JUST had to blog about this dish!
i have to admit, being 20... i kinda got my innocence contaminated... like THIS little? but that's not, let me repeat NOT! the reason why i ordered this dish. We wanted fried squid... and there was a choice between Garlic Sotong and this... so we tot we should try something different. Hence i ordered it. the dish turned out pretty Twisties like... the BBQ flavor... but it was ok la =)
i should explain the true meaning behind the Nen-Nen of this dish la... it's just BAD translation!
the chinese characters wrote Nian Nian... it meant Missing or Thinking (so my guess is that this sotong is soO tasty that u will miss it after eating it once... and you'll think of it all the time... making u want to eat it agaiN! make sense? :D)
oh.. altho i never made a public announcement on this... but Sony's BACK! and he's STRONGER than ever!!! no la.. actually he's still the same... he's recovered from his sickness :P
here are the smiles Sony caught =)
Readers, meet Ian! one of my LONG lost antique! we've got a LOOOONNNGGG history... since 1995? we were classmates from primary 1-6.
One thing i can say about him? He's been a REALLY good sport despite the torture i gave him... but lets not get there shall we? :P (SEE IAN! if u happen to read my blog... i'm writing GOOD stuff about u! so forgive me ya! :D)
that was dinner...
2nd stop:
just across the road... KTZ!!! (dessert)
i had a great time! makes me soO miss schooling days when we could just talk nonsense and WASTE TIME TOGETHER! :D
growing up sucks! :P
i'll miss u!
okay! *must not cry* :P
but i guess knowing each other for 14 years...
to our 3rd station... "get in the car la!"
Liie's car was somewhere else far away... so we tot of sending her to her car...
attempting the IMPOSSIBLE... we fitted 5 bum bums in the backseat of an Iswara Aeroback
how to not take a pic of us le? :D
all the pics above were taken while Yeem was drivin... then she insisted to be in the pic...
so we kinda gave up... cause it was DANGEROUS! our driver lookin into the cam instead of the road! :S
FINALLY! we were where Liie's car was! ROLL CAMERA!
3rd stop: K3K in SS15
we wanted to go to Murni's but Pui Yee had to go home cause she stays in Shah Alam... and it'll b dangerous for her to drive home alone after 12... so we had to send her back to Subang to get her car... that's y we had SUPPER in K3K!
oOh... looks goOd eh? but looks can be deceiving la... only the top part of this CAKE (according to Yeem) is nice...
p/s: it's actually a BUN! :P
Liie wont be able to make it to KLIA with us this Sat... hence this pic =)
*more pics were taken during the course of this nite, however, they are only for private keeping :P*
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