so this is what the Dot has been up to!
as u can see.. its sleek design...
Christmas wish-list perhaps? i like the T700- RED (*wishful thinking begins* just in case some mysterious reader of my blog wishes to buy me a Christmas prezzie! *wishful thinkin continues*) :P
so yes! i did SUDOKU! :D
finally realise i could actually do it (without seeing the answers of course, altho i occasionally do to check if i'm on the right track :P) while i was still studying for my finals :D YES! i was THAT easily distracted from my books... even SUDOKU could distract me *shy*
since i've got nothing better to do or should i say... nothing better that i WANT to do... :P i did sudoku whenever my dad remembers to buy the papers :D
Visited Sab's youth group's play- Life's Puzzle (pics are at Yue's blog)
sweetie Sab was.. *teehee* the ULTIMATE supporting actress! but i'm still very proud of her! :D
and the whole team too!
they did a very good job =)
ah... then it was Christmas Services' week...
Friday: Love Is In The Air (LIITA)
Sat: Silver Bells YA service
Sun: cant remember the name they gave it... but i rememeber they wanted us to come in the Funkiest hat!
ngek ngek ngek! finally!! my fedora can see DAY LIGHT after it was bought (cause i shy to wear it out la... like so attention attracting only... :P)
then i turned away to do some other stuff... and guess what i saw when i turned back!!!
cute eh? :D
Saturday! Silver bells!
we were supposed to go in something silver or blue... Em has the blue.. and i have the Satin white that was supposed to pull off as silver la... :D
my ALL time favourite- Carbonara!!!
dang! i wanna go back there! :P
and that's Julian at the back :D
they were caught in act drooling over Grace's pepperoni pizza *tsk tsk tsk*
Clockwise from top left: Jo Goh (the FOUNDER), Dot Tan (the President), Vivian Kuan (the Mascot), Leeza Foo (the Intern)
hehe! REALLY! these gals never fail to amuse me, esp the MASCOT! :P
nonetheless, i'm thankful to have u gals supporting me =)
oh Funky Hat Sunday!
check out my oh-so-blinged fedora! ngek ngek ngek!
well.. i thot my hat would have been the FUNKIEST! but!!! those kids i tell u!! they CHEATED!!! they had their mommies decorate their hats *pouts at a corner* :P
hehe! we were the Attendance Duo (couldnt call it a team back then because truly... there was only the both of us*... but now got TEAM le! dont play play! :P)
*oh yah! there was Nick too, but he wasnt there that Sun... so couldnt cam-whore with him :(
goodness!! i'm so proud of these gals!!!
Ejuen can SO sing! Nicole's a lil shy, but she sang too k! and Michelle danced!
altho they didnt give me one of those i-wanna-be-a-mom-someday moments, i was still VERY proud of them! :D
OH! FINALLY! my LATEST update!
TODAY! oh... it's 1.15am now... so fine.. YESTERDAY...
it's quite complicated to explain every bowl...
it's tauhua based, with sweet potato toppings.
i realised i like my tauhua warm/hot... they had ice shavings in my syrup which diluted the syrup... so ya.. that's 1 boo boo for them. but the environment was nice and clean tho! so 1 thumbsup!
gah! so hard to decide if i'll go back there again!
in moments like this... the PRICE plays a BIG part, BUT! we didnt know the price of our desserts cause we tasted them for free...
so... MAYBE i MITE go there again to check for the warm selections la..
:D i'm still VERY happy to have my internet connection back! :D
the next few days' gonna be BUSY BUSY!! cause CHRISTMAS is HERE!!! WOOHOO!!!!
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