Saturday, September 20, 2008

Antiques Exhibition: FINALE!!!

wahahahaha! like FINALLY rite? :P
i know some of u are already bored with the posts i've posted about our Malacca trip...
if u were/are really bored...
pls go SLAP URSELF!!! cause we had to endure the scorching sun...
to bring u pics...
like these!!! (altho it was our pleasure... :P)

but i strongly believe... no one was bored, cause this is Dot and Antiques we're talking about here! even if there is/was... we cant let 1 bad something spoil the something... dang! what's that idiom again... *lalala* anyways... what i'm trying to say is... the show MUST go on! (whether u like it or not! :P)

destination: #i lost count...
at the execution ground...
dot: heh? really must die ar???

dot: :P

dot: ar..are...we..the..there...yet???

Dot: why must they build fortresses on top of hills?

i'm soO not cut out to be a soldier... guess i'm more like the general type.. the one that rides on the horse...

i can be the princess type too! the one that gets carried to whereever she wants to go to! :P

or.. those that wait in the towers for PRINCE CHARMING to comeby...

Princess Dot: aiyo! sien d la! lets go shopping
Princess Liie: u read me like a book! lets go!

presenting, Char-Lee's Angels...
the Confused
the HOT
and of course...
the FALLEN! :P

while the rest were looking into an empty cage that was supposed to host the body of st... was it Paul or Francis again? (clearly... my attention was paid to CAMWHORING!!! :P)

:D camwhoring with Liie is SUPER fun!!! cause she likes takin pics.. and i like having my pics taken!!! we're like the perfect cam-whoring buddies!!!
thanks gal for all the pics u've taken! :D
and all the pics she took... includes these...
according to Liie... it looks scandalous...
which is why paparazzi-taken pics cannot be trusted at times cause.. atho we looked scandalous...
we were just talkin about the consequences if somebody were to roll over the fence and down the slope...

Ian: and this is how i wanna propose...
dot: u sure u wanna use those? being friends for 14 yrs... let me give u a tip...
it's soO gonna FAIL! :P

after dinner, we waited in the car for Jonker Street to open... so what's there to do in a car??
:D Liie's Einstien

somehow... this shot kinda started some sparks between u-know-who...

Liie: lets pretend to be the sofa...
Dot: i have a BETTER idea! lets continue cam-whoring!

what u are about to see... if what i would call the mystery of our journey...
looks like some kidnapping scene rite?
Ian: *ngek ngek ngek*
Carol: HELP!!!
but then again... lets look at the pic took BEFORE this pic!

seems like Carol was the one that went in VOLUNTARILY...
once again... it is proven... paparazzi shots should NOT be taken seriously.. cause altho pics may say a thousand words...
u mite just get 1 whole sum of WRONG words at the end of the day! ;)

last nite... tay jo mentioned something about junk in the trunk... i still dont really know the meaning of it.. therefore i wont use it here... BUT!!!
check out the junk 5 gals had! :P

this is supposed to be a pic of the Oo-ga-way Ian drew on my foot... with magic-pen!!! can u see it :D

Jonker St... at nite =)
ha! the soO-yucky-tasting popsicle!!!
i the genius kinda lost some of my braincells due to excessive walking during the day... went and ordered of all the flavors... STRAWBERRY... it tasted like ANTIBIOTIC!!! it was BAD!!!
note to self: never order strawberry flavored popsicles unless there's sign of a strawberry farm around (a.k.a Cameron :P)

i for 1 am not really an animal fan.. especially cats!!!
neither am i a dog lover... sorry... cause i dont like it when they lick!!!
but!!! this dog is soO cute!!! it looks like a toy dontcha think? :D

our final stop!!! SUPPER! :D

Liie eating her micro-mini cockel :D

*smiles* after a LONG yet i-didnt-want-it-to-end day... it was time to go home...
on our way home...
we had a karaoke session! :D

and the clock struck 12...
