Thursday, February 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

this post is 1 day late.. but since i have nothing to blog about at the moment, i'll blog bout this *teehee*

as some of you mite know, my parents sent my popo back to Ipoh on Mon noon, leaving me home alone (for a few hours only tho cause my bro comes home after work)

i always thot i enjoyed the occasional alone time i have with the house.. it makes me feel grown up (which i'm supposed to be la.. sigh.. but that another story! :P)

mon was still alrite cause while waiting for news about my kong kong, i did accounts.. had lunch and then watched Horton Hears A Who?! which i happen to like! i think i REALLY like Dr. Seuss' work, the narration of the movies made based on his books are SO COOL! the narration's done in rhymes!

so ya.. back to the story...

then came tues morn..
it's as if that my tues blues arent bad enuf (with the fact that i have ACCOUNTS!!! it's getting better tho)
i woke up, already feeling down cause i dont want to go to coll...
i had to wake up to an empty house! :( (well, my bro was around la.. but he's dead asleep! -.-)
the house was so quiet.. for a second, i felt like crying...
but the thot of Sandra coming to pick me up made me hurry up cause i tend to stone for MINUTES!! :P

classes werent that bad..

we marked our accounts assignments.. did pretty well, Thank You Jesus! =)
then noon class.. we did was we usually do.. NOTHING! heh!

Sandra fetched me home too cause daddy said they'll only leave Ipoh at 4.30 pm.. classes end at 4! :S

Once again, i had to go back to an empty house.. this time, it was REALLY empty!
bro went to work and i didnt have the usual excited shouts of "Dory Cheh Cheh(s)" to greet me when i opened the door... that's the thing... I HAD TO OPEN THE DOOR!!! (i usually just open the grill :P) *emo*
glad i had Yeem chat with me online (THANKS GAL! =) )

then i watched Wild Hogs (i love my laptop! :P)

2 hours passed and finally i hear the oh-so-familiar-it-sounds-like-a-small-plane's-landing-sound of my dad's car!!


if you were too lazy to read the whole story (SHAME ON YOU!!!) just read this,
Dot's Thot: A house is truly just a building no matter how beautiful, it's the people in it that makes it a home; those people are called FAMILY =)

Cherish them because u'll never know if one day u mite have to walk into an empty house ;)