Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've Finally Found SOMEONE

or should i say someTHING :P

introducing Dot's Dream Camera!

Sony Cyber-shot T200!!!

anybody kind and generous enough to make Dot's Dream come true???

Christmas IS coming!!!

where's my TRUE LOVE when u need him!!! (i dont need 364 gifts... i just need ONE!!!)


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dont Shoot Me!

as seen in the title... i'm sorry for the lack of updates!!! but dot's BUSY!!! i know this sounds unbelievable... but it's TRUE!!! assignments... FINALS!!! ROAR!!! so here's something to keep the numbers in my blog counter rolling :D


the weather's been exceptionally WET this time round... today i had to buy an UMBRELLA! which i tot was pretty... but now that i look at it again... it's... too... FLOWERY! oh well! it served me good tho! and i got my money REIMBURSED by mommy! :P (should have bought the snoopy one instead! *lalala* :P)

oh oh! this blog's been lacking some of Dot's-DEEP-and-WISDOM-filled thingies... so ere's something FIGURATIVELY spoken! :P

despite the winds and storms that might come your way, KNOW that after each storm, there's always a...

RAINBOW! (wow! didnt know rainbow's 7 letters!! *blushes*)
you just have to lift your head up and look for it =)

or you can always look next door and call for the...

altho she's not striking any cute pose here... but she's 1 baby that melts my heart! (makes me wanna be a mom too! *blushes* :P)

hehe! now for a time of Dot's NAIK KERETA cari MAKAN! (walking to get food is soO LAST Tuesday! :P)

Location: somewhere in Puchong (gimme a break la! i'm the HOST, the PRODUCER, the CAMERA-girl, the DIRECTOR! how can u expect me to remember the location when i'm NOT the driver? :P)

repeat after me: (in Chinese) chiang chiang goon

it simply means...

see! my "show" very muhibah one! it's BILINGUAL! :P

UNFORTUNATELY... my lovely assistant forgot to notify the restaurant that DOT was comin... so...

we had to WAIT -.-THIS was the REASON! CHECK OUT THE CROWD!!!

The journey begins! =)
Heat up the WOK!
Prepare the sauce!

slice up the Ingredients!
(can you guess what's this?)

Poke, PoK, PORK!!!
i'm obviously tryin to be artsy-fartsy here as Foo would put it... but SONY's not that canggih... HOWEVER!!! i still LOVE him! cause he BEHAVED through out this journey :D


Baby-Octo's fine with me...
but BABY-prawns!!! for QUEEN DOT??? yau mou kau chor!

see my 2 lovely assistants! ENJOYING themselves when i was doin ALL the HARDWORK! :P

guess the taste!
SPICY? Flamin HOT??

Dot's HOTTER la! :P
it's SWEET!!!
the Kimchi's SWEET!!! spicy's the aftertaste... but it's SWEET!!! *fail*
and last i know... KIMCHI's from KOREA! *FAIL*

does it deserve this sticker??

if they fed me for free... MAYBE!

it's RM 25 each! (that's y...tip of the day: always bring your "assistants" aka PARENTS with you when u wanna attempt NOT-coffeeshop food :P)

in conclusion: KOREAN BBQ's BETTER!!! *wink* Jo *wink*

Hosted by: Dot the HOT! :P

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Festival of LIGHTS

On Diwali night, little clay lamps are lit in Hindus homes, but now a days colored electric lamps are also used.
What is the significance of lighting a lamp?
There is a logical answer to this question. (dot's thots: DUH!!!)
It is through the light that the beauty of this world is revealed or experienced. Most civilizations of the world recognize the importance of light as a gift of God. It has always been a symbol of whatever is positive in our world of experience.

PLAGIARIZED from SCFI (Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India)

in a MUHIBAH country, we have ALL SORTS of holidays... and we celebrate all sorts of festivals (in our own way that is... FOOD! :P)
what better way to celebrate the Festival of Lights than to be a LIGHT to our very own community??
so the GT-ians gathered at some field (it has a name which the Dot forgot :P) behind ANW, PJ for a JOGATHON!!! in hopes to raise funds for Rumah Juara, an orphanage under our Life Community Service project =)
now... if u are like still reaching for your jaw... cause... DOT?? JOG??
*teehee* u have 5 seconds to pick ur jaw up, wipe all ye saliva *gross* and READ ON! :D

Of course the Dot DID not jog la... :P
we had food and games stalls and not forgetting our INFLATABLES! (just 2 this time) so the Dot helped out at the MANSION! (just a random name i came up with NOW :P)

me and my MANSION :P
err... i think i prefer marble floors la... :P

hehe! taking a break
BOTTOM-TOP: Jo Lynn, Dot and Nerissa
we hadnt fan out so widely and we could have seen more of poor Jo if it hadnt been for our AMATEUR camera man *cough* Big J *cough* :P
oh oh! we TOTALLY passed the SLIM-CHIC Test! cause all 3 of us sat on ONE kindergarten chair!!! u know... those small lil plastic chairs for kiddies... if u dont... leave a comment, i'll take a pic of that chair just for YOU! :P

sweetie Sab was there too! she helped out at the food stalls =)

after a Fun Day's work =) (we kinda needed THREE attempts to get this pic right :P)
left-right: Jo, the other OTHER Jo and Dot (the other Jo couldnt make it =( will take a pic with all 3 Jo's some day k! :D)

more updates comin soon! the pic uploader's sucking all the SWEETNESS outta me!!!
and i am soO sorry for the terencat-ed font size!!! ROAR!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Not Me

well of course it's me in the pics la... but...
being all sweet and lovey dovey to someone i DONT actually love...
is soO WRONG!!!

this was wat the Dot had to do...

Dress up as a Queen and join a beauty pageant...
bring a gift, present it to the "king" (of all the people... Bernard Yong!!! -.-)
and explain why the king should keep the gift... (should have gave him a feather duster! :P)

the entire EXPERIENCE's just too painful to describe!!!
so just view the pics below k!i'm better off as an EVIL Queen...
Evil or Not... i still look HOT! *muahahahahahahahaha* :P

What's Up DoT?

*teehee* it's been AGES since i last updated me blog... so this is what the Dot has been up to lately... in sequence since my LAST post...


yup! i have been EATING!
y are u surprised? :P

at dinner in Le Paris (or something Paris... :P) after African Nite
L-R: Jay Sonn, Dot, Julian
*sobb sobb* it's on that Sat which i found out Sony was sick... hence this pic was only taken once despite Julian's eyes being half closed...

What we Ordered :D

see! so obvious this pic should be here!!! but!!! no choice... *i wanna cry*
my pics are no longer nice!!! *cryin d*

P.S: Grace, here's ur FOOTNOTE... STOP DROOLIN! :P
p.s Grace: Should i REPEAT myself??? :P

it was a DROOL-LICIOUS cake!! 3 layers of CHOC baby!!!
layer #1: chewy choc
layer#2 (the light brown part): choc mousse!!
layer#3 (dark brown part in the middle): OREO!!

it would have been the PERFECT birthday cake aside the fact that it's no bigger than my palm... and it's RM 8++ for ONE! :S

mom bought
burger-buns and beef patty! so as a GOOD daughter... n cause i'm the hungry one... *lalala* :P i helped cut the buns in half, using the bread knife (whatever u call it)
with the knife in my hand...

i couldnt resist it!!! felt so Chinese Opera-ish! hehehehe!
Fear me sword!!!
(Dot's fingers were NOT cut in the process of taking these pics, PRAISE THE LORD!!! :P)

MORE MAKAN!!! - Family Dinner (last 2 Saturdays)

i sense some SS-ness... do u sense it JO??? :P

Cool Fish!
with its skin still attached...
it's meat is made into fish paste!
KENG le???
Sea Cucumber and Mushrooms and Vege

Toufu and MORE fish paste

Fried + Steamed Vege


a cloud-less sky
a SCORCHING sun... what's a girl to do??? (sun bathing is NOT an option)

ICE CREAM's more like it!!!

*OMN* (a.k.a Oh My Noob-ness) once i opened the box... i kinda got too excited... i forgot to take a pic of the ice cream!!! *blushes*
Entrepreneur Day
an event organized by SCSJ's student Council... we, the clubs had to open booths to s
ell stuffs...



BB Tea 101:

step #1: get the order (which flava would yr customer want?)

#2: scoop the flava powder (i dont know wat's it called :P) eg: Choc powder into shaker #1

#3: scoop desired amount of "bubbles" and place into cup

#4: pour syrup into shaker #2

#5: scoop creamer into shaker #2

#6: pour hot water into shaker #2

#7: Shake skaker #2

#8: pour concoction in shaker #2 into shaker #1
#9: add ice to shaker #1
#10: add water to shaker #1
#11: shake shaker #1
#12: pour concoction in shaker #1 into cup, seal it with a cover, poke the straw through the cover...
VOILA! you get a happy customer! :D
in pic: Wendy

the Dot helped out at the CF booth :D
L-R: Joy, Sandra, Darling Chia Wei
Animal Planet
in pic: Barney and Joy
hehe! feeding hamsters :D

take me HOME!

my sweeties =)
our LONG-TIME-NO-SEE TradeMark :D

when there are no customers...
Darling and LOTS more of DArling! :D

1 year ago... on our CF's Christmas Bash...

1 year LATER! :P

if u're wondering if we made a profit... SLAP urself!

with such HOT-ness... need i say more? MUAHAHAHAHA :P
