It's the Most Wonderful time of the YEAR!!!
Bling... Bling...
BLING IT ON combined youth cell harvest event! :D
Preparation work:
that's Jo in the middle (she made the nicely lit board =) )
some cam whoring to de-stress :P

yo YO! a handmade BLING chain for the BLING KING!

all hail the BLING QUEEN wannabe :P the tiara was HAND MADE with tinsel!
*both done by Huay Lian, a engineer in the making!!! KENG Le???
back to WORK!
(more like watching others work la :P)putting up the DISCO BALL babe!!!

that's Brian... but this aint about him...
so peeps! focus yr attention on the DISCO BALL!! :P
it's glass... and needless to say... HEAVY!!!

the Ball has to be hung up there!
with NO ladders... and the ceiling obviously couldnt descend...

thank God we have
uncle Simon!
with some happening skills... he tied a weight to the fishing string (which is tied to the Ball)... and managed to toss the weight over the lightings... he got it across at the 3rd attempt!
HOWEVER... i dunno wat went wrong in between... they didnt toss the wire of the Disco Ball together with the fishing string... (the wire that supplies the Ball electricity so it could spin... which is also attached to the Ball...) across!

this time the tossing was a LOT harder cause the wire's heavy... and the weight (a roll of masking tape) wasnt enuf to pull the wire down the other side... causing it to... HANG HALF WAY in the air!!! Brian had to hook it down..

1... 2... 3... PULL!!!

ALMOST there!!!
oh oh!!! if u were wondering... so wat was Dot's contribution??? see the STARS in the background?? the ones on the light blue panel... i glittered them! :D (credit is given to Jo and Enoch for cutting them :D)

did i mention the ball was HEAVY???
uncle Leroy had to stand on a chair and lift the ball up so the wire and fishing string wouldnt have as much friction against the lighting bar, which might cause it to snap...
he wasnt tall enuf... well... to be exact, no one is ... so Brian used the same black stand which appeared earlier to push the ball UP! =)
The Event:
sweetie Sab came! check out her BLING-IE top and moi's BLING D :P
after all the hard work they did to hang the Disco Ball up high... i forgot to take a pic of its effects! -.- *slaps self*
the crowd was rather lagging... BUT
God's presence never lags! He showed up!! just like how He did 2000 years ago... and that's y we celebrate Christmas!!!the NEXT day, the 17th...Sab's church had a Christmas play, so Yue, Joy, Elaine and I decided to go support =)

fr left: Elaine, Sab, Joy, Yue, Dot

our signature pose: muAXXXX!!!

notti us and the HAPPY COUPLE- Sab and her MAN!!! (Leonard)
Christmas with the CELLIES!At TGIF


Amanda, Rita FOO (too!! but they is not related :P)
can Sony take another face???
is Dot's hand long enuf to assist Sony???
the answer is...

YES!!! we could include Jo too!!! :D


Come for the FOOD...

Fried Calamari (I LOVE!!!)

Smothered Steak

Chicken Salad (or something like that :P)

Friday's Burger
stay for the FUN!!
we had a BIRTHDAY GAL amidst us... so... *ngek ngek ngek*

we got the CREW to do their thing!!!

singing happy birthday BACKWARDS!!!


love u gal!!!

a VERY blur cell pic...
the clearer ones are in other cams... BUT!!! no one has sent me any pic... so lets make do with this ok! :D

Jo and Dot

Jo and Amanda and Dot :D

look hot Kim... look HOT!

SizzzZling!!! :P

whoa! MoAP caught in action!!! :P

Friday's Sundae!

a time of gift exchanging!

Amanda being VERY happy with her "pantyliner" (it's a mug inside la :P)
but then again... pantyliner is a good gift! it's useful and not cheap u know!! :P :P

a happy pic =)

the left overs from the MoAP's plate... (a VERY rare sight :P)
Garnishing done by: Grace a.k.a MoAP :P

Julian the paparazzi!!!

us the camwhores! :P
it's never too late to give this shout out...
Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON!
All for LOVE the Father gave, for only LOVE could make a way...
All for LOVE a Babe was born, that's why we celebrate Christmas Day!