Location: Sab's place
Beauties: Sab, Yue and DOT!
Yue K.O-ed right after bathing... so Sab and i decided to b NOTTI! *mischievous smile*
HOWEVER! this sleepin beauty woke up suddenly...
*the cockerel crows*
the Tans ...
hmm... 3 beauties... having breakfast in Klang... wat to eat le? wat else???
after some hardcore EXERCISE with Cellulite Zapper Jusco-I-So-Like-to-Walk,
and we noticed something rather... ABSURD...
a box of 6 donuts is RM9.50... fair enough cause u buy less ma... (it's the bulk effect- buy more= cheaper)
2 boxes of 6 donuts is RM 19... WHAT'S THE RATIONAL BEHIND IT???
if i wanted 6 donuts and was with some1 that would like 6 donuts too... and since we dont live together... we would need 2 boxes to separate our donuts... we could pay the RM19 and get our 2 boxes... BUT!!! we could also pay the RM 9.50 each to get our box of donuts!
so... here... we see something called REDUNDANCY!
what if i was as blur as ever... and wanted 12 donuts???
what if i didnt notice the box of 12 donuts was RM 17 and gotten the 2 boxes of donuts instead for RM 19???
what if i suck soO badly in maths that i didnt know RM9.50 + RM9.50= RM19 and fell for the seemingly bulk effect??
In Conclusion...
the get 2 boxes of 6 donuts for RM 19 sign SHOULDNT be there!
because it either shows that the management in Big Apple is a lil dense... or it shows their desire to CONfuse us users!
while my dearies were eating...
the Dot was emo-ing!!! cause i didnt get to buy what i wanted *POUTS*
but then again... i must admit...
i had a GREAT time with me girls!!!
thanks girls for the support that u've given me!!! i know you all will hold me hand and be there with me =)
much loves, MUAX!!!